An Unbelievable Piscine Feat

                         An Unbelievable Piscine Feat

Seven million years ago, innumerable species of fish roamed the ocean in peace. Sure, there were incidents in which fish were killed for prey by the apex predators of that time. However, the oceans had been clean and somehow seemed quite… pure in nature.

Compared to the present days.

Our oceans, then filled with fish, are now being filled with countless heaps of garbage. 
All the marine creatures have been adjusting to this for a while now-

-Except three, determined marine animals who stood strong in their vow to bring back the former pristine glory of the vast ocean: Emerist, a killer whale who sought peace and order from every being she ever met; Peiyers, a whale shark who was certainly more daring than any other shark in the world; and Dritjon, a swordfish who seemed a bit slower than the other swordfish. She was a great leader, but one thing always stopped her; she used to think in such a logical way, that the other fish used to sneer at her, saying that she deserved to be a dejected human.

Deciding to put an end to pollution, Dritjon organized a meeting in the Pacific Ocean’s coral reefs.

Peiyers began straight away, “Let’s go to the shore of a polluted beach, and teach the dastardly humans a lesson by chomp-“

“No need for violence, Pe!” interrupted Emerist, “What if they were actually peace-“

“PEACEFUL!?” roared Peiyers, “these fish-eaters who think they are smarter than us 
and caused half of the world’s species to go extinct, would NEVER be-“ she was interrupted yet again, this time by Dritjon.

“I have organized the best plan here,” she said proudly; then, annoyance replaced her pride, “and you-are-just-SPOILING-IT!”

The others instantly quietened.

“Listen carefully,” she said, “we need to break into an aquarium with the help of Forger, the hammerhead shark. We shall travel around the world, releasing fish from different aquariums and causing a movement of reducing pollution on beaches. Of course, we will not spoil the aquariums’ architecture, for we are noble fish. Do you understand the plan?”

Peiyers nodded, knowing that she had nothing to retort; but Emerist had a doubt: “When do we begin?

Dritjon smirked:



When Forger had arrived to the coral reefs of the Pacific ocean with the necessary 
equipment, they set off for their incredible journey.

When they came to the aquariums, they used some old jet-packs which they found under the oceans to fly into it. With Peiyers' and Forger's combined strength, they broke into the aquariums, providing each fish freed a jet-pack. They released many fish from the local aquariums all over the world.

They also collected the plastic items present in the oceans, and placed them upon various beaches, conveying their message of cleanliness.

The other fish admired Dritjon’s strategic mind, and realized how foolish they had been to reject her as a fish. She was known as the smartest fish, or rather the smartest living being in the oceans and seas ever since.

The humans, watching this, become astonished. They did not know fish could accomplish such a feat. They realize how cruel they’ve been to 
the oceans and the marine life in them, and take up an oath to keep the ocean clean hereafter…




  1. Beautifully written sahana 👏🏽👏🏽 need of the hour

  2. Beautiful sahana..I love your flow

  3. We need to act rt now. It’s the duty of each and every one to contribute toward keeping our Mother Earth pollution free

  4. Sahana, wish everyone gets the message that you have conveyed in this story. Beautiful written. Keep writing .
    Bless you girl

  5. Good one dear…such a strong message in just simple words…awesome writing ❤️

  6. Message of the hour.. Simply excellent choice of words.

    Nature s powerful than our imagination. Soon we will face it.

    Awakening call indeed

  7. It's very appreciative that Sahana took this as a subject and just explored through it.

  8. Loved reading, Sahana! Beautiful, engaging, and so well-written :)

  9. Love ur thoughts, message conveyed in simple and nice to read


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