Goddess Namagiri Thayar

                                      GODDESS  NAMAGIRI THAYAR

Are you wondering why I am writing about this goddess? Are you wondering who she is?
She is none other than Namagiri Thayar, who's a family deity for many families.
Well, you're going to know a lot about this goddess in this blog!

Namagiri Thayar was the family deity for my paternal grandmother Kalyani. She was the one who helped us to know more about this goddess.

My grandmother told us, "Whenever you need to find something that has been lost, don't worry! If you have enough devotion for this goddess, she will get it back for you

She also narrated a wonderful story about the goddess:

"You must have known about the famous mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. His family deity was, of course, Namagiri Thayar. He wasn't really well-trained in mathematics as you must have thought, but he loved maths. One day, he did not have any solution for a problem that he was trying to solve in maths. He decided to give up, and slept. 

In his dreams, he saw a cave in which the same mathematical problem that he had been struggling with being solved by a familiar hand wearing golden bangles. He understood it to be the hand of his family deity Namagiri Thayar. 

"Grateful to know the solution, he wrote a shloka on the goddess. He knew then that she is a goddess who answers all her devotees' prayers and is an expert in mathematics. The shloka he wrote about her would help you to excel in maths:

                                 || Shri Vidya Mantra Ratna   
                                     Prakatitha Vibhavaa
                                   Sri subalaapoorna Kaama
                                         Sakala suranootha 
                               Lakshmi Sri Veda Garba Vidhurathu
                              Mathisaa Vishwa Kalyanabhooma
                           Vishwa Kshemaatham Yoga Vimala
                           Gunavathi Vishnu Vakshathalastha 

She not only helps us to solve the problems in maths, but also the problems that we face in life!

The temple of this goddess is situated in Namakkal, Tamilnadu. The main god of the temple is Lord Narasimhar.

Worshippers of the goddess never forget to mention about her beautiful eyes. My family visits her temple every year. Become a devotee of her today and have a fantastic life!

-Sahana Raghuraman


  1. Very nice sahana,enjoyed your beautiful explanation.very positive and divine blog ..super ma

  2. Beautifully articulated Sahana... Way to go..

  3. Very nice... interestingly Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanuja's birthday was few days ago..

  4. Felt divine after reading this. Clear thoughts Sahana. Way to go.

  5. Nice Sahana. Not many know about this goddesses. Thank you for the detailed explanation about the goddesses and the story behind it along with the sloka

  6. Thanks to each and everyone for taking time to post the comments.. it will motivate my daughter to write more!!

  7. Thanks Sahana for giving us details of the temple location and also about Thayar. Mathematician Ramanuja Iyengar's real life story made the read more interesting

  8. Beautiful and well articulated God bless kanna 👍👍

  9. Excellently written baby 👍best wishes always


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