Goddess Namagiri Thayar

GODDESS NAMAGIRI THAYAR Are you wondering why I am writing about this goddess? Are you wondering who she is? She is none other than Namagiri Thayar, who's a family deity for many families. Well, you're going to know a lot about this goddess in this blog! Namagiri Thayar was the family deity for my paternal grandmother Kalyani. She was the one who helped us to know more about this goddess. My grandmother told us, "Whenever you need to find something that has been lost, don't worry! If you have enough devotion for this goddess, she will get it back for you !" She also narrated a wonderful story about the goddess: "You must have known about the famous mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. His family deity was, of course, Namagiri Thayar. He wasn't really well-trained in mathematics as you must have thought, but he loved maths. One day, he did not have any...